Notarial Scale of Fees for Victoria

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This scale of fees has been approved by the Council of The Society of Notaries of Victoria Inc. as abenchmark scale for notaries and the public with effect from 1 July 2021.

Victorian notaries are free to set their fees as the Society does not control fees that notaries may charge.

The items in the scale are listed “WithoutGST” and “WithGST” 

Oaths, declarations and attestations

Without GST

With GST

Administering an oath or affirmation, taking a declaration or attesting a signature (including, where applicable, completing a jurat or pre-printed acknowledgement orthe like) without preparing and completing anotarial certificate



Administering an oath or affirmation, taking a declaration or attesting a signature andpreparing and completing a notarial certificate



For each additional deponent, declarant or signatory at the same time



Preparing and completing an exhibit note or annexure certificate



Completing an exhibit note or annexure certificate prepared by others



Certifying copy documents

Without GST

With GST

(a) Preparing and completing a notarial certificate certifying one individual copy document (of up to five page



(b) For each further page of the individual document (beyond five pages)



Where appropriate and acceptable in the receiving jurisdiction

(a) certifying two to five individual copy documents (of up to five pages each) underone notarial certificate



(b) for each additional copy document of up to five pages under the same certificate



(c) for each further page beyond five pages of an individual document certified



Powers of Attorney in Private Form

Without GST

With GST

Preparation of Extended Protest

Preparing and completing a notarial certificate as to the attestation of a Power of Attorney and certification of the donor's identity



Australian Academic Documents

Without GST

With GST

Verifying an Australian testamur, academicdocument or record; and

Preparing and completing a notarial certificate as to the verification of an Australiantestamur, academic document or record and certifying a copy thereof



Other Notarial Certificates

Without GST

With GST

Preparing and completing a certificate of good standing of an Australian corporation



Preparing and completing a certificate of Australian law:

(a) up to three foli



(b) for each folio beyond three



Preparing and completing a certificate in relation to any matter not otherwise specified in this scale:

(a)up to three folio



(b)for each folio beyond three





For each of the first ten duplicate certificates provided

Half of the original fee

For each duplicate certificate provided after the tenth

One-quarter of the original fee

Authentic form documents

Without GST

With GST

Completing a notarial act in authentic form prepared by others, including one copy for the client and one copy for retention in the notary's protocol



Preparing a notarial act in authentic form, including one copy for the client andone copy for retention in the notary's protocol per folio



Ships' Protests

Without GST

With GST

Noting a protest prepared by a Ship's Master and entering in the register andproviding one copy



Each further copy



Preparation of Extended Protest

As per Supreme Court scale

Miscellaneous Fees and Charges

In relation to any matter not otherwise specified above, a notary may charge according tothe First Schedule ofthe current Victorian PractitionerRemuneration Order in relation to matters such as:

  • attending at DFAT and at Consulates (including uplifting documents)
  • filing documents withDFATby post
  • preparing documents other than notarial acts, including affidavits and declarations
  • dealing with foreign language documentsand translations
  • making and supply ofphotocopiesand scanning of documents
  • reviewingof documents prior to appointments
  • receiving and sending emails advising about notarial procedures
  • other correspondence and perusals
  • attendances by telephone or otherwise
  • searching title or other searches
  • clerical work by staff members

Notaries may recover all out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the supply of notarial services.

Company & Other Notarial certificates

Preparing and completing a certificate of good standing of an Australian corporation


Preparing and completing a certificate of Australian law:

(a) up to three folios;


(b) for each folio beyond three


Preparing and completing a certificate in relation to any matter not otherwise specified in this scale:

(a) up to three folios;


(b) for each folio beyond three


Administrative / Handling fees

DFAT's handling fees


Administrative fees to get legalisation stamps at embassy/consulate


DFAT and third parties' fees (fees subject to change)

DFAT's fee


Notarisation fee at the UAE Embassy

$150.00 per document (for commercial docs: needs to check with the Embassy)

Notarisation fee at the Chinese Embassy

$30 per document (civil) ; $60 per document (commercial)

Notarisation fee at Qatar Embassy

depends, email Qatar Embassy for a quote

Notarisation fee at the Indonesian Embassy

$175.00 per document

Notarisation fee at the Philippines Consulate

$45.00 per document

Finger prints collection

$250.00 per document

Notarisation of educational documents

Online verification - educational institution

Manual verification - education institution

The certificate (x1 pages) | $198 (GST included)

School record (x7 + x8 pages = 15 pages) | $ 165 (GST included)

Total = $363

Turn around - 7 to 10 business days

Requirement: will need an authorization signed to allow school release information

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